Makana Pang






Volcom, On a Mission, Dennis Pang Surfboards, Third Stone

What makes Pipeline unlike any other wave?

The raw power of the wave breaking so close to shore and on such a shallow reef is what makes pipeline pipeline.

Who is the greatest Pipeline surfer of all time?

Derek Ho

Who is the best surfer at Pipeline right now?

JJF, JOB, Nathan Florence

What would a Vans Pipe Masters title mean to you?

It would mean ive finally fulfilled my biggest childhood dream.

Is there an advantage to being a goofy or regular footer at Pipeline?

Being one of the few goofy footed regulars out at Pipe ive always wondered if the regular footers had an advantage out there.But since it can be so unpredictable I think it just depends on whoch type of wave you get. On the giant, maxing first reef double ups I think a backsider has the advantage of being able to take off later and hold on to the rail & wall of the wave while taking a steep drop. As for frontside you may have the advantage when it comes to the longer multi section waves coming from deeper on the reef through the sandbar end section.

We want you to remix an old classic. What turn do you best think suits the wave?

A giant layback, for example Tom Carrolls

If you had Pipeline with 3 others, who would you prefer? (family not included).

Derek Ho, Barron Mamiya, Kala Grace